Montessori-based Furniture


Let me begin with, you DO NOT have to spend a lot of money to achieve the Montessori themed/ style bedroom. There is though a fine line between how much you are willing to spend and the quality of products. The products that I am listing are products that i have spent the most money on and then, I will list my bargains. 

To make a Montessori-based bedroom it has to be FUNCTIONAL and PRACTICAL for you, as a mom, and for your child too! 

I love having natural wood tones with a POP of color. I'll show Christophers Nursery and Playroom in pictures below along with the products I've purchased and ones that I will be purchasing. 

A reading chair is a MUST. Whenever we read, he sits in h8is chair. He also will let me know when he wants to read because he will run into his room, grab a book, and have a seat in HIS chair. 

Toy Storage

Book Storage
